Special Farm to School Fridays on Tuesday!
April 20 , 2022
About This Episode
We are asking Jay Penrice to join us in person again at San Andreas High School to show us how easy it can be to prepare a quiche and an omelet using some fresh ingredients harvested fresh from our site. We will also cover nutrition information using MyPlate and Farm to Table Concepts.
We will be inviting an elementary/middle school class to join us at San Andreas LIVE for this special session. Contact Barbara Pastuscheck if interested.
About Jay Penrice
Our guest speaker is Jay Penrice. He is a business owner of Pig Island BBQ which services breweries across the Inland Empire and has been catering for over 10 years. Mr. Penrice also helped start a commercial kitchen that helps entrepreneurs start their businesses without having to rent space to operate. He is excited also about the launch of his Food Truck coming in 2023.
He was born in LA and raised in Rialto. He started cooking with his grandfather since 6 years old. As an entrepreneur, he founded Portion Gourmet back in 2017 to assist with healthy eating.
About Farm to School Fridays
Farm to School Fridays is a Virtual Classroom Series that is part of a Farm to School Program put together by San Andreas High School that is geared toward Elementary Students. The show interviews professionals in the industry tied to Farm to Table food supply chain and Healthy Eating. Students participate and engage with the presenters for a more interactive experience.