Joe Swartz- CEA Growing Around the World
May 7, 2021
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Joe is a master hydroponic farmer with over 50,000 hours of actual greenhouse production time. A year-round grower for 35+ years and a consultant to the hydroponics industry for over 20 years, his specialties include system design, high-end crop production, biological pest control, system troubleshooting, greenhouse business management, specialty produce marketing, and food safety protocols.
Mr. Swartz has consulted for companies, growers, and investors across the globe and in 2015 joined AmHydro as Vice President of Commercial Sales and Technical Support. He is a sought-after speaker, consultant, and one of the top experts on hydroponics.
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About American Hydroponics
Their goal is to provide clean, local, growing solutions. American Hydroponics (AmHydro to friends) is a small, U.S. operation that is making a growing global impact. They are located in Humboldt County in northern California, but their hydroponic systems are currently saving over 250,000 gallons of water a day worldwide, including our Greenhouse at San Andreas High School.
AmHydro has been designing and building innovative, hydroponic systems for over 30 years. They manufacture and help install food-grade growing systems for small and large operations. Our systems are operating in over 60 countries and in many of the United States. They range from 5-ft to multiple acres for commercial suppliers of Whole Foods and Costco. Our experts have developed solutions for a range of growing pains based on over 100 years of combined experience.